The general perception is that men drive better than women, elderly drivers are dangerous behind the wheel and youngsters are skilled but reckless drivers. But let’s put aside popular stereotypes and focus on facts:
The minimum driving age in the US is 16-18, depending on the State and there is no upper age limit set by the federal government for driving a car, but from age of 70, there are certain restrictions and conditions: the driver’s license has to be renewed every three years and driving and vision tests are often required, as well as a medical certificate stating a proper condition to drive.
Some people may argue that senior drivers are hesitant, slow to react, that they even have trouble getting in and out of their vehicles, that they hold on to their old cars. It is unfair to judge someone´s capacity to drive solely based on their age. Old Adults age differently, some may be more competent than others, it is just a matter of good health and safe driving. Compared to young drivers, they have more pros than cons:
- They have more experience
- Are wiser and avoid dangerous situations
- They obey speed laws
- Are more responsible with the use of seatbelt.
- Have a much lower incidence of impaired driving
- Are more cautious on the road
It is true that young people are at their full physical and mental capabilities, but they also have issues:
- Scientists argue a teenager´s brain hasn´t fully developed
- Teenagers are eight times more likely to have an accident within their first three months of driving
- They do not have experience
- Younger people make impulsive/aggressive decisions
- They show poor judgment on the road
- Teenagers are likely to take risks, become distracted and make mistakes
- They love to drive over the speed limit
- Teenagers have the lowest percentage of seatbelt usage
- Consumption of alcohol in teenage drivers is higher than any other age group
- Car accidents is the main cause of death for teenagers between 16 and 19 years old
¿Who said men make better drivers than women?
- Male drivers have substantially higher death rates than female drivers across all age groups, being statistically much more prone to being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
- Men get more DUIs and traffic violations
- Men are more prone to aggressive behavior and risk taking
- Men cause more accidents per year than women (National Safety Administration)
- Men do more smoking while driving and running a red light
- Men undertake, tailgate, not indicate, lane hog, fail to give way and watch videos on a cell phone while driving
- Women are statistically more likely to be involved in low-speed, low-impact accidents
- Women are more likely than men to use cell phones while driving
- Women are overly cautious on speedways but easily distracted at lower speeds.
There are good and bad drivers. Age is a factor, but it isn’t all. Statistics show that teenagers and older drivers are involved in more car accidents than any other age group. Novice drivers cause significantly more car accidents than seniors, according to The United States Census Bureau (12.2% caused by teen drivers, 7.5% by drivers over 65). A senior´s risk of dying is more elevated than a teenager’s only because of their physical fragility. There are clear differences in driving between men and women, but both groups have the same capability and can develop equal driving skills.