The lack of ethics and the culture of anti-values have invaded every field of human behavior and had now moved to the streets. We use vehicles as weapons of war, machines to kill or die, instruments to express our frustration and anger. The horn has become our shouting voice and a battle cry. A pedestrian is an obstacle that needs to be eliminated. Other cars are hindrances in the way, and often we violate traffic laws. This is just to prove we are smarter, faster, or more powerful. And just like that, safe driving is out of the equation.
In today´s competitive world and the new scale of values, a car represents the highest level of success or failure. No matter there´s a hungry kid at home or a family in need. As long as our flamboyant vehicle is the most admired on the block and we are classified as successful persons. Things are more important than people. We fight daily battles on our four-wheeled warhorse. Ignoring the fact that, tomorrow, our children will follow our example. They will grow up to be oblivious of our passengers’ feelings of anguish and helplessness as they witness our brawls.

What causes this behavior?
There’s a logical explanation for such aggressive behavior: both in the car and at home. We all shed social polish and become who we really are; we feel protected within our shell and any intromission is considered aggression; the shielding of our car provides us with encouraging anonymity that leads us to act in a hostile way, giving vent to the frustrations and stress of the day.
To make driving a pleasant experience, make it fun!

A suggestion to make your driving a less exhausting experience is not to focus on what makes you angry, but to keep your mind distracted. First in the act of driving itself, obviously. Second, pay attention to those details you never notice, even though you travel the same route a thousand times.
Start by looking only to one side of the street: you´ll be surprised at how unaware you have been of your surroundings. When stopping at a red light, look up, down, left, and right: the sight of the sky. The road signs on the pavement, and don’t forget the potholes!. The nice lady in the other car, the new bookstore on the corner. This change of perception will make your waiting time shorter and more interesting. Play your favorite music, sing out loud, learn a new language, listen to your pastor preach or just catch up on the news. It is about being more conscious of your senses than your emotions.
Some tips for a safer road
Now, the million-dollar question: ask your passengers if they feel stressed with you behind the wheel. If the answer is yes, it´s time for you to start driving safely and to start practicing some driving courtesy rules:
- Be patient, respectful, generous, and tolerant
- Use the horn only when necessary
- Do not block passing lanes or intersections
- Is never ok to speed when a vehicle is passing yours
- Do not drive in the breakdown lane to pass a long line of stopped traffic
- Try to drive as quickly as possible once a stoplight turns green
- Avoid making left turns from the right lane or vice versa
- Use turn signals
You will find that, with a slight change of attitude, driving is better and easier. Just remember Confucius words: “Don´t do unto others what you don´t want done unto you”.
At M&M freight logistics we take care of your vehicle when is on the road. Whether you decide to transport your car on an open or enclosed hauler, our drivers are skilled conductors specially trained for a safe auto transport experience. So relax, we have it all covered at M&M AUTO TRANSPORT. We have the resources, the knowledge, the expertise, and the staff you need to have your vehicle shipped in the best, more economic, and safest way.